
Everything to do with carpets. From buying, to cleaning, to installing, to learning how carpets are made. You have found the definitive guide to carpets right here.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

There are many different products available on the
market that will help you to remove almost all types
of stains. The ideal solution in minimizing or totally
removing stains is by simply cleaning the spills
and dirt the moment they crop up. Cleaning them up
won't even require you to leave your home just to
rush out and buy the expensive types of cleaning

There are several ways to clean up stains simply by
using products already available in your home which
you use on a regular basis, such as detergents,
rubbing alcohol, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. Its
simply a matter of knowing how to use these common
household products and the procedures involved to
clean up stains. Below, you'll find some tips on
how to clean up pet stains and some other types of
common carpet stains.

Pet stain
For your first option you can use one teaspoon of
clear, household type ammonia to a half cup of
cold water. You can use this solution in a spray
bottle or apply it to the carpet directly. It is
very important not to wet the carpets backing when
you apply the solution. After you have applied
the solution, use paper towels to blot then allow
it to dry completely.

For a second option, you can use detergent solution
made of hand soap or dish soap. The combination
is one quarter of a teaspoon detergent to one quart
of water. You should always make sure the soap
doesn't contain bleach or lanolin.

The third and best option, is to use water, it
can re-hydrate the stain to help with removal. Most
types of pet stains can be cleaned up by using a
steam cleaner. Once you have finished, be sure
to dry the area as thoroughly as possible.

Ink stains
1. You can purchase isopropyl rubbing
alcohol at your local department or grocery store.
2. You can apply it by pouring some onto a
clean white towel or cloth. You can use paper
towels as well, as long as they are white.
3. Blot the stain as much as possible
until it is removed.
4. Make sure you be careful, because if the
stain is small, you need to blot in one direction
only so you don't spread the stain.

Beer and wine stains
1. Mix a solution with one part white
vinegar and one part water.
2. Apply the mixture to the stain using a
spray bottle to saturate.
3. You should allow the stain to sit around
ten to fifteen minutes.
4. Use a sponge and clean in a rubbing
5. Rinse the area with warm water.
6. Brush the carpet pile back into the
natural direction it has.
7. By using layers of white paper towels,
place paper towels on top of the area, then something
with weight on the paper towels. Allow everything
time to sit like this until the area has dried.

Friday, April 06, 2007

A majority of how your interior looks and feels will
depend on your floors. Houses that have carpet
give off an undeniable warmth, vibrancy, and an
aesthetic appeal. There is a wide range of colors,
textures, materials, and designs available that can
transform your home and give every room a chance
to be unique. Your carpet installation has a long
term perspective, so it's important that you select
the best one for your needs and install it right the
first time.

Once you have picked out your material and design,
you'll need to it install it. Professional carpet
installers can do the job for you, or you can choose
to do it yourself. Even though doing it yourself
is cheaper than hiring a professional, it isn't
recommended if you don't have the right tools, lack
time, or have no experience.

A great way to ensure a professional installation
of your carpet is to buy from an authorized carpet
retailer or dealer. Most of the time, your carpet
retailer will have an installation staff that is
very experienced with installing carpet.

If the retailer doesn't offer an installation
service, they can still guide you to a reputable
and experienced installer. Even though installation
by a retailer is a bit more expensive, it offers
several advantages. The experience will show in
their work and you'll come out better in the long
run. You can also approach them if you aren't
satisfied with anything they have done.

However, if you are looking for low budget carpet
installation services, you'll also have the option
of hiring independent contractors, architects,
builders, or interior designers. You should
always remember to get their references and inquire
about their experience, where they received their
training, and any certification they may have.

You can also visit homes that the installer has
previously worked on, as this will give you an
idea of their work before you hire them. If it
isn't possible, you should at least make it a
point to see some pictures of their work.

Even though private contractors may offer a lower
rate for carpet installation than your retailer,
the services of post installation may be very
poor. If you encounter a problem, you'll find
that your options are limited. No matter what
happens, if you choose an independent carpet
installer, you should always make sure that the
installer follows the standard for installation
of residential carpet CRI 105.

Choosing the right installer for your carpet will
entirely depend on your specific needs. If you
like to change your carpet type every few years,
you may be better off to choose an independent
carpet installer. If you want carpet that will
last for a long time, you should get a follow up
from a retailer, as this will ensure that you
have a trouble free experience with installation.

No matter who you choose, you should ensure prior
to installation the carpet is power stretched
so wrinkling and rippling will be minimized.
It is also important that your rooms are
measured before laying any of them and the sub
floor has been cleaned.

You should also vacuum the old carpet good before
it is removed, to help eliminate dust. Once
the new carpet is down, the edges should be
trimmed and sealed with hardwood. You should
always inspect the carpet, and make sure that
nothing looks out of the ordinary and that
everything pleases you before you finish the

You should always keep in mind that no matter
how expensive or exotic your carpets may be, it
is the installation process that makes or breaks
the look of your home. Therefore, it pays off
to invest a bit of time, money, and effort when
you choose the right installer for your carpet.